Frequently Asked Questions

Step 1

Go to and click "Register as a Parent/Guardian". On the dashboard, you can add all Lake Youngs students in your family as individuals. After registering each student, you can set goals, provide updates, log minutes and check in on your pledges. Students that are signed up will be given a personalized "sponsor link" to send to their sponsors that can be sent in email or on social media. Note: Sponsors will not be able to sign-up without your private, personalized link.

Step 2

Call your family, go visit your neighbors or email some friends and ask if they are interested in a chance to support both you, while you build new healthy habits, and your school through pledged donations! Don't forget to send them your personalized “sponsor link”- they can't sign-up without it!

Step 3

Start logging your minutes online at the start of the two week challenge. You can read, exercise or do both! All minutes get logged online where you can also post updates on your progress for your sponsors. Plan ahead and set aside time every day to read, go for a walk, run, do a work-out video, dance or practice a sport! Once you start logging minutes you will be on your way to earn our Grizzly Challenge prizes to help you celebrate each milestone! Visit our prize page to learn more.

Step 4

At the end of the two week challenge period (May 17th) make sure to get your last minutes logged and reach out to your sponsors when you're done to share your accomplishments and remind them to log-in and pay for their pledges! We will also be sending out an email to anyone who signed-up to be a sponsor with a reminder to complete their payment process!

Step 1

If you do not already have a personalized link from the student(s) you're supporting, ask them for it! You cannot sign up to participate as a sponsor without it! Once you follow their link, sign-up as prompted.

Step 2

Set your pledge! The students are setting reading and exercise goals and you get to set how much money you're willing to pledge per minute completed. For example, if a student reads for 30 minutes a day and exercises 20 minutes a day, a 5 cent pledge would end up equaling $2.50 a day, $35 after two weeks.

Step 3

Check in and encourage your student(s) on your account! They can provide updates online where you can comment on their updates and let them know you're excited for their progress!

Step 4

Don't forget to honor your pledge! Students should be reaching out at the end of the challenge to let you know their final totals! Once the competition has ended (May 17th) is the last day for students to log minutes) you can fulfill donations on our website! We also accept cash or check, but encourage everyone to use the online format if they are able.

Yes! Parents can add offline sponsors through the parent dashboard.

Yes! Students MUST turn in ALL cash/check to their teacher or the office by May 24th.

Donations go to funding LYPTSA's Grant Program! It's how we pay for field trips, assemblies, classroom supplies, curriculum enhancements and so much more. LYPTSA is a 501(c) non-profit that uses all funds to directly support staff, teachers, students and families. To learn more about what we do visit our website or reach out to us via email at

Visit the Prizes Page for a list of all the prizes.


Yes! Email and we will do what we can to help you!

YES! Students can log minutes through this coming weekend as long as the exercise or reading time took place between May 3-17. The logging form just asks for the date of the activity, so you can still log minutes TODAY from activities back on May 3rd.

YES! Students who receive $100 in a flat donation earn the equivalent of $1/per minute. Students are still required to complete the HIKE goals to earn TREK and CLIMB prizes. So a minimum of 100 minutes logged before qualifying for CLIMB prizes and a minimum of $10 donated (or 10 cents a minute pledged) before qualifying for the TREK prizes.

*We apologize for the confusion on this, we did not expect the flat donation option to be so popular, and will add more details about how flat donations translate to prizes for the future!*

Students can log minutes on their account until Sunday, May 19th. These minutes should still be from activities that occurred May 3-17.

No! We did not ask for any payment information from parents or sponsors. Once Grizzly Challenge is complete, a payment notice will be sent to sponsors requesting the donation in the amount earned by the students they support. Sponsors will then have the choice to edit their donation amount and complete the payment independently.

Because we do not autocharge, we cannot issue all prizes until sponsor payments are finalized. Students were told they would get their HIKE and SUMMIT prizes as they are earned, but the TREK and CLIMB prizes will be distributed upon completion of the fundraiser.

*Spaghetti Dinner Family Tickets are the exception, if a student has earned this prize, families will be notified before the Spaghetti Dinner and invited to join us for FREE!*